Premiere date 28 April 2012
Duration 2 hour 30 min, with intermission

One of the most successful theatrical projects of the 60-70s of the last century (the performance of the Moscow E. Vakhtangov Theater “Warsaw Melody”) was a hit for many theatrical seasons thanks to the participation of Mikhail Ulyanov, Yulia Borisova and director Ruben Simonov. After a successful premiere in Moscow, Leonid Zorin’s play was staged in more than 30 countries around the world.

This is a performance about eternity, about love, about human responsibility. And about how responsible a person is in his actions to another person, what he himself gains as a result of these actions and what he loses.

Fate brings the heroes together more than once, but they do not see the Signs of Fate… A date at the “fatal crossroads” is no longer necessary for both, because nothing can change if the previous ones have not changed anything. The performance seems to explore the path that led the characters to this last “failed” meeting. The reason lies not so much in the borders of states, space and time, but in that internal barrier that turned out to be insurmountable even when freedom was “officially declared” and external prohibitions were lifted. However, changing human psychology is much more difficult than changing the social order. And it is more difficult to overcome one’s own taboos, fears and complexes than the ill-fated law of 1947, which prohibited marriages with foreigners. The heroes of Svetlana and Vladislav Lebedev seem to be afraid to be free and happy. Can love overcome this barrier? Their fate can be traced over many years of separation.

“New Theater” ventured to stage the famous play, moving the events to the present day. Famous Kyiv director and theater teacher Konstantin Dubinin, Zaporozhye actors and directors Svetlana and Vladislav Lebedev will present a new version of the drama of love.

Режиссер - постановщик

Константин Дубинин, заслуженный деятель искусств России (г.Киев)


Наталия Пэтен-Ступакова


Светлана Лебедева


Владислав Лебедев

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