A sparkling and daring comedy, like a breath of clean air, can wake us from the sleep of despondency and pessimism.
For the sake of this Renaissance perception of life as joy, the New Theater took up this play.
The plot is based on the love and struggle between two strong personalities: a man and a woman.
Behind the mask of Katarina’s obstinacy, her fiancé Petruccio saw an open and vulnerable woman’s heart. And now he has a double task – to tame not only Katarina, but also himself, his violent temper. After all, for the first time he felt captured by love. Everything is possible if we believe in it. As a reward for this faith and love, Petruccio receives a faithful and loving wife, and he himself acquires generosity, a quality so necessary for a man to win a woman’s heart …
Our performance is not about the “art of training” and not about “male chauvinism”, but about love and creativity, about the fact that any relationship can be created the way you want – in love and harmony, if we are ready to change at the same time.
Светлана Лебедева, Владислав Лебедев
Наталья Петен-Ступакова
Заслуженный артист Украины Виктор Гончаров
Дмитрий Московцев
Светлана Лебедева
Владислав Лебедев
Владимир Кириченко, Александр Рудык
Владимир Вахненко
Иван Остривной. Богдан Рубан
Алексей Блинов, Александр Мосийченко
Михаил Ромашкан
Владимир Чуйков, Евгений Станицкий
Константин Кузьмин
Элизабет Давыдян, Алина Татьмянин, Тая Рыбалка
Заслуженная артистка Украины Надежда Стадниченко, Анна Вашенкова
Владислав Сытник, Константин Кузьмин, Алексей Блинов, Алексей Воротников, Евгений Славинский