This is the first comedy of Monsieur de Molière, one of the most cheerful authors of the 17th century. Festive and fun performance for the whole family.
Two young men from noble families are fighting for Celia’s heart: Leander and Lelius.
Servant Lelia – Mascaril – a notorious rogue and rogue, undertakes to “lead his master to his cherished goal.”
But Leliy, an ardent and impetuous young man, unwittingly, with his noble deeds, constantly frustrates the plans of the servant, speaking out of place.
Who will get the beautiful Celia?
How many cuffs and slaps will Mascarille get for his knavery?
And who will eventually end up on a horse, nobility or knavery?
Come and see everything for yourself!
Светлана Лебедева
Алексей Блинов
Евгений Славинский
Александр Рудык
Алина Церпицкая
Дарья Лебедева
Анна Вашенкова
Иван Остривной
Дмитрий Московцев
Владислав Лебедев
Андрей Скляр
Алексей Скляр