“The Betrothal” is a continuation of the legendary “The Blue Bird”, but already 9 years later, when Tyltil was 16 years old. The young man has to choose a bride.
This choice turns out to be incredibly difficult, because we are talking about the great and only love of life.
If he misses her, then he will then wander around the world, like a restless one.
In this search for great love, Tyltil, along with seven girls, goes on the eve of Christmas to the country of their ancestors, and then to the country of unborn children. “The choice must be made – and woe to those who miss their chance!”.
The Christmas extravaganza will not leave indifferent neither adults nor children. This is a show for the whole family.
Дмитрий Федюкин
Ольга Басько
Анастасия Примак
Евгения Арсенян
Елена Лебедева
Юлия Прилуцкая
Екатерина Якимец
Юлия Кривдык
Арина Бирюкова
В спектакле заняты студийцы театральной школы при Новом Театре