The Ukrainian nation is distinguished by such a quality as love of freedom. Anarchy is very typical for us, Ukrainians: these are the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, this is Old Man Makhno, this is our first and second squares. And we saw this manifestation of love of freedom in the dance Gopak. Hopak is one of the symbols of the Ukrainian nation. It was danced by the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks before the battle, swaggered and showed their audacity. Combat hopak like Chinese wushu. Hopak allowed the Cossacks to demonstrate their courage, strength, perseverance, resourcefulness and combat skills. Therefore, at first it was an exclusively male dance. In folk life, the dance changed and later became the main pair dance.
But, first of all, hopak is a holiday and a manifestation of a free spirit.
Professional skydivers from different parts of our country and Zaporizhzhya dancers of the folk dance ensemble “foci” – the descendants of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks – will dance hopak on the ground and in the sky. We want to symbolically raise this dance to the sky. And this will be a kind of record in Ukraine. And also a manifestation of our respect for the ancestors and the fatherland. The project “Gopak on the ground and in the sky” will become part of the large air show “Free Sky” with the participation of the famous singer Ruslana.
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