A brilliant sitcom by well-known French authors Jean-Jacques Briqueur and Maurice Lasegue. Light and humorous as well as great acting work.
The plot is incredible: Frank Harder, a colonel in the American army, an imposing man, turns out to be … the mother of a young Frenchman, Louis. He made cardinal changes in his body, changed his name and place of residence, but could not cope with the “maternal instinct”, so he returned to France … How will her ex-husband, closest friend and son react to the appearance of Frank-Maria-Louise – that is the intrigue and the whole point of the farce.
Tantrums and tears, blackmail and laughter, forgiveness and understanding, intimacy and, of course, love and only love! And all these are the paradoxes of French life. However, is it only French?
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Евгений Славинский
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